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Two (2) web pages are used to specify the details of the deal (Deal Detail, Notes) The first establishes the structure of the deal and requires certain information and allows the entry of clarification types of information.  The second page allows you to enter several types of notes about the deal sheet, such as Performance, Miscellaneous and Customer notes.

The example below is what you see when you first land on the deal structure page. Review the callout boxes to get oriented to the page.

Any omitted or incorrect required information will give you an explanatory error message and allow you to correct the problem.

Here is an example of a filled-out deal structure. The red circles and box point out the specifics of the deal with a summary note in the blue box.

When you are through with the deal structure amounts, dates and notes, click on the Item Notes button.


But, what if I need to use a cost other than the Regular GS Cost? Okay, you can do that. You have three options to deal with the cost basis of the deal. Notice that "Price Change? box? There are three (3) options as follows:


Cost Basis Option #1: If you click on the Price Change box, you will see the "New Price" option. This allows you to enter a Pending Price Change that is not yet on GSC's database as a valid price. See the example below.

CAUTION! Be sure that only the Item or Items that will experience the Pending Price Change is/are included on this deal sheet. The New Price that you enter for the Pending Price Change will apply to all Items included on the Deal Sheet.


Cost Basis Option #2: If you click on the Price Change box, you will see the future price option expressed as an amount and a date. The amount is the amount of the Future Price Change and the date is the Effective Date of the change. This allows you to select the Future Price Change that is on GSC's database as a valid price. The system will edit the Effective Date to determine if the price is going to be effective during the selected Reflect Period. See the example below.

When you click on the future price amount/date text, the Future Price Change amount becomes the cost basis of the deal sheet (see below example). The Effective Date must fall within the Reflect Period or an error message will be given. The error condition must be corrected for the Future Price Change amount to become the cost basis for the deal.


The example above shows the effect of choosing the Future Price Change amount as the cost basis of the deal (refer to the callouts in the above example to see how the resulting Net Case and Unit Cost are based on the Future Price. The original Regular GS Cost - Current is retained as a reference point. 

CAUTION! Items included on the deal sheet when you select a Future Price Change amount should be only the Item or Items to which the future price change applies. Selecting the future price change amount will apply that cost to all Items on the deal sheet. Erroneous pricing could result in this case.


Cost Basis Option #3: If you click on the Price Change box, you will see the "Reset GS Cost" option. This allows you to re-establish the Reg GS Cost as the cost basis of the deal.  See the example below.



When you are satisfied that you have included all of the Notes necessary for this deal, click the Review Deal button.



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Last modified: July 30, 2007