WELCOMEClick here GBSupport@grocerybiz.com to report any problems you are experiencing.Click here Tips & News to review recent updates to the Group Buy System.VENDORS, please click on the NEW FUNCTIONS link in the Vendor Guide to see some recent additions in function. Buyers and Group Buy Teams have these same functions and should visit the New Functions link.The Group Buy System Training Guide provides a thorough explanation of the features and functions of this web-based system. This Guide is organized to get you to the information you need quickly based on who you are. But, read this page first. Here is your roadmap to the Training Guide.
The step-by-step processes for creating deal sheets, maintaining deal sheets and managing deal sheets are completely explained in the Vendor Guide. Buyers or Group Buy Team members are directed to the Vendor Guide section for training on these processes because they are common to all three responsibilities. Features and functions unique to Buyers and Group Buy Team members are addressed in their respective Guides. IMPORTANT NOTICE
Tips & NewsThe Tips & News section contains both tips on how to use the Group Buy System and news bulletins about special events or new activity concerning the Group Buy System or an upcoming Group Buy Program. The tips are an outgrowth of issues and problems reported to Grocers by Vendors, Buyers and the Group Buy Team in the course of using the system. When a usage trend is developing or confirmed that may be of common interest to all users, a usage tip will be posted on the Tips page. Simply click on the Tips & News page link in the left margin to view the latest information. SupportClick here GBSupport@grocerybiz.com to report any problems you are experiencing.Grocers provides several avenues to get Group Buy System support. Each of these support components is focused on getting the information you need conveniently and stated in a clear manner. Click on the Support link in the left margin to view the support available to you. Data DefinitionsThe Group Buy System embodies a lot of data fields and terms that you may need to understand in detail. The Data Definitions page provides an identification and explanation of all of the data fields you will encounter. Additionally, there are a number of terms explained in this section used in this documentation or the system that may not be familiar to you. Click on the Data Definitions link in the left margin to view these definitions. Error MessagesThe Group Buy System presents error messages when you omit data required by the system or enter incorrect information. These messages are self explanatory so you can correct the problem in most cases without further research. We provide a list of the error messages issued by the system on this page for a better understanding of each message. Click on the Error Messages link in the left margin to view these messages and the accompanying explanations. |
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