PROVIDE BASIC DEAL INFORMATION PROCESSThis step follows the DEFINE DEAL process. This page offers both a means of selecting items for inclusion on the deal sheet and an Item Look-up Tool for viewing the all of the items that are available for selection for a vendor code or vendor code grouping. Item Selection ExampleThe Group Buy System presents the Items for inclusion on a deal based on two primary pieces of information keyed by the Vendor:
DETAILSGrocers evaluated several options for the selection of items to include on a deal sheet. The option that will best narrow the field of items for a vendor code is Basic GS Cost in combination with Pack size. This option is rigorously maintained and is therefore the most reliable in terms of accuracy and currency. BASIC GS COST AMOUNTThe Basic GS Cost amount must match a GS Cost amount on the GSC master databases within the Vendor's logon. The system presents all of the matching Items for selection and inclusion on the deal for a vendor code group. This entry is required to continue the deal creation process. PACKThe Vendor keys the pack size of the items to be included in the deal as an integer with no descriptive text. This entry is required to continue the deal creation process. REFLECT DATE PERIODThe system provides a pop-up calendar from which the Vendor can select the Reflect Period From and To dates. The From date must be a Friday date and the To date must be a Thursday date. Selecting dates outside of these boundaries gives the Vendor an error message. These two dates are required to continue the deal creation process. These dates must be unique for the Items included in the deal, meaning a Reflect Date Period that does not overlap with another period for the same Items. Overlapping dates will be detected at the time the Group Buy makes Book Id assignments and any overlaps will be caught, analyzed and corrected if necessary at that time. This could require some discussion between the Group Buy Team and the Vendor to ensure the Reflect Period is properly chosen. Overrides to the standard rule of no overlapping reflect dates are possible as in the case of long-term TPRs. To continue the deal creation process the Vendor will click on the ENTER DEAL ITEMS button. The next step in the Deal Sheet creation process is ITEM SELECTION. Should you decide to abandon this deal sheet creation, click the Cancel button. The deal sheet information you have entered so far will be deleted and you will be returned to the Menu page. Item Look-up ToolThe Item Look-up Tool is useful when you cannot remember the Basic GS Cost and/or Pack for an item or items you want to include on the deal sheet. Or, you may want to browse the items within your vendor code or code grouping for other research to support the creation of the deal sheet. Just leave the Basic GS Cost and Pack boxes blank and click the Review All Items List button. The system will return a list of all of the items within the vendor code or group assigned to your logon id. You may scroll up and down the list of items to find the item you need. The list is sorted in the order of Cost, Item and Vendor Code. You may also use the Find function under Edit on your Browser to help locate specific items. Once you locate the Vendor Code and Item with the Cost and Pack size you need for the deal sheet, click on the Item Code. The system will automatically return to the Basic Info page and insert the Cost and Pack values into the Basic GS Cost and Basic Pack boxes, respectively, as in the below example. NEW ITEMSThis Item Look-up tool will also present any New Items found for your Vendor Grouping. New Items are Items on the Grocers database that do not have an Item Code assignment but do have the UPC code temporarily substituting for the Item Code. The New Items are selectable by clicking by clicking on the hyperlinked Vendor Code or UPC (Item) code. The system will automatically return to the Basic Info page and insert the Cost and Pack values into the Basic GS Cost and Basic Pack boxes, respectively, as in the above example. |
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