FINALIZE PRICINGThe Finalize Pricing function is used to provide a positive indication that the pricing of all deal sheets has been completed. This is particularly helpful to the Vendors as an indication that the pricing displayed for any deal sheet can be relied upon as the final pricing that will be offered to the customer. This function is used after these key functions have been completed:
The Finalize Pricing function has the singular function of changing the pricing text in the GSC Deal to Retailer section of the Deal View page. Prior to activating the Finalize Pricing function, the text is "All Pricing is Tentative". After the Finalize Pricing function is activated, the text is "All Pricing is Final". There is no material effect on the pricing per se, on this text change.
The system issues this Warning message to be sure you want to finalize pricing and did not inadvertently click the Finalize Pricing menu option. Click the Finalize button when you want to finalize the pricing, or the NO button if you are not ready to finalize pricing.
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